Jun 3Liked by J. Anthony Seliskar

Can't wait for the Kevin episode of the NL. I had a similar interaction on a flight on the first of this year with a guy named Rusty. He taught me a lot about joy. At one point he'd lost everything - his job, a kid (to addiction), his family as a result, and eventually his will to live. But he found his joy again through the kindness of others - starting with a single random act of neighborliness.

He had this deep, sincere gratitude - one that I think can only be earned through hardship.

I still think about Rusty. He was on his way to Florida from WI to be with some old friends. I gave him a hug when we parted ways.

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Wow. Planes. What a strange, interesting place.

Thank you for sharing your interaction with Rusty, and I will be sure to keep you posted on Kevin.

I have been thinking of your line about deep, sincere gratitude that is earned through hardship throughout this past week. Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to crystallize my thoughts.

I guess I keep wondering how one can best cultivate that feeling of deep gratitude without waiting for the inevitable hardship. Like with most things -- I suppose it's just practice.

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